How Urbana Got a Hotel
We here at the archives were thrilled to learned of the partial reopening of the Urbana Landmark Hotel (the former Urbana Lincoln Hotel) this weekend. With this new beginning, we thought this would be a good time to recount just how this local landmark came to be.
Spring 2013 Local History & Genealogy Workshop Series
We are pleased to announce the schedule for the Spring 2013 Local History & Genealogy Workshop Series held in conjunction with Parkland College!
Take a look and see if something piques your interest, and then register using the Parkland College Registration Form or by calling Parkland College at 217/353-2055.
We'll see you this Spring!
But will it play in C-U?
As we wind down another contentious campaign season, it's worth remembering that Champaign and Urbana served as campaign stops for several candidates battling for the White House over the years. Here then are just a few images from Champaign-Urbana's political past.
Go Illini!
Homecoming football game, October 19, 1963, University of Illinois vs. University of Minnesota (Illinois won, 16-6).
Welcome to the new location for the Local History and Genealogy blog, What's Past is Present! We look forward to using this space to discuss local history, highlight materials from our collections, and present library and community events. To read the archives of our older blog entries, please visit our previous blog site, located here: