From the Urbana Courier-Herald, Thursday, January 2, 1913:
Parties Are Popular in Urbana on Tuesday Evening — Odd Fellows Have Meeting. — Circle Meets.
Watch parties were popular in Urbana Tuesday evening. The Odd Fellows enjoyed an excellent program, numbers of which were introduced by J. Frank Walker, as chairman. Messrs. Cross of Blue Island, who are here in the interests of the Woodmen of the World, made humorous talks and short addresses were given by Dr. J. J. Hanmore , Dr. Sale, A. J. Booker, J. F. Walker and I. M. Spurg'm. Musical numbers were by Mises Stamp, Graybeal and Ombra Herriott and Mrs. Vern Smith and A. Kirkpatrick.
Party by Miss Duncan.
Miss Violet Duncan was hostess at a watch party at her home, 710 South Walnut street . Those present were: Misses Bessie Smith , Ogerett Martin, Edna Wise, Julia Johnson, Ethel Moomau, Emma Klockner, Eunice Corson, Maude Newcomb, Violet Duncan; Messrs. Walter Horton, Paul Smith, Neal Boyd, Leo Klockner, Herman Klockner, Walter Brewster, Ted Swartz, Willie Wise, Rea Hartman, Vinal Smith, Lawrence Duncan, Walter Deffenbaugh, Claude Brownfield, Rista Reichard; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caruthers, Mrs. Ira Duncan, Mrs. George Smith, B. F. SwartZ, Mrs. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Duncan.
At Shuck Home.
Eighteen members of the Among Ourselves Reading circle attended a watch party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shuck on West Illinois street, Tuesday night. Music and various amusements made the evening pass very pleasantly.
Miss Hank is Hostess.
Miss Gertrude Hank entertained at a watch party at her home. The party was a most enjoyable affair and refreshments were plentiful. Those present were Misses Georgia Burton, Viola Kennedy, Martha Langhoff, Lena Rose, Marguerite
Nelson, Anita Langhoff, Thora Allen, Margaret Lynch, Leola Birchard and Gertrude Hank; Messrs. Wayne Kelly, Wesley Birchard, Paul Utterback, Edward Justus, Ernest Langhoff, Horace Garman, Charles Morrow and Gordon Klein.
Moonlight Club Entertains.
A pleasant party was given by the Moonlight club, New Year's eve, at the home of M. T. Faust, on East Main street. Young people present were: Misses Inez Jenkins, Nellie Klingelhoffer, Dolly Archdeacon, Ethel Klingelhoffer, Rovine Whitaker, Hulda Adler; Messrs. Jess Nation, Van Easterday, Harry Meyers, Ithul Eagar, Robert Hendricks, Joe McDonough, James Keegan, Otto Faust and Frank Smith