If you live within Urbana’s city limits, you can get a free library card. Library cards for residents are valid for three years. Cardholders also may use their card to borrow physical items from the Champaign Public Library. If you do not live within Urbana, you may still be eligible for a card from The Urbana Free Library. Learn more about other cards.

Apply for a Library Card

There are two ways to get a library card. You can apply for a card online or visit the Circulation Desk at the Library.

Apply Online

Adult Card

Apply In Person

To get a card in person, please bring an unexpired photo ID and proof of your current Urbana residence— such as a bill postmarked in the last 30 days.

Other Cards

Non-Resident Cards

If you live outside of the Urbana city limits, this card is for you.

Eligibility: If you live in the Urbana School District but outside the city limits, it means you do not pay the tax that supports the Library. You are eligible to get a non-resident library card, but you must pay a tax-substitute fee. This fee, calculated by the yearly amount of library tax your property would owe if it were within the city limits, allows all members of your household to receive their own library cards.

Card Conditions: Non-resident library cards are issued for one year and have the same borrowing privileges as resident cards.

To Apply: Call the Library at 217-367-4057.

Non-Resident Student Cards

If you live outside of the Urbana city limits and attend an Urbana School District #116 school, this card is for you.

Eligibility: Students who live in non-resident areas and who attend Urbana School District #116 schools are eligible to receive a free library card.

Card Conditions: Non-resident library cards are issued for one year and have the same borrowing privileges as resident cards.

To Apply: Call the Library at 217-367-4057.

Non-Resident Property Owner Cards

If you do not live in Urbana but own property within the city limits, this card is for you.

Eligibility: Non-resident property owners are eligible for a free library card.

Card Conditions: Non-resident property owner cards are issued for three years and carry all the privileges of resident cards.

To Apply: Please bring your tax bill with you when you apply for your library card. One card may be issued per parcel of property to the person whose name appears on the current tax bill.

Business and Agency Cards

If you are a business or agency that occupies property within the city limits of Urbana, this card is for you.

Eligibility: Business and agencies are eligible for a free library card. These cards carry all the privileges of resident cards, including remote access to our research databases. Now you and your employees can log in without ever leaving your desks!

Card Conditions: Library cards issued to Urbana businesses and agencies are valid for three years.

Apply online or call 217-367-4057.

Reciprocal Borrowers

If you live in Illinois and have a valid card at your local public library, this card is for you.

Eligibility: If you live in Illinois and have a valid card at your local public library, you can register as a reciprocal borrower at The Urbana Free Library. You must be in good standing with your local library.

Card Conditions: Reciprocal cards are valid until your local library card expires. Borrowing privileges for reciprocal cards are the same as resident cards, except for the following limits:

  • 100 items may be borrowed at a time
  • 20 new or bestselling books may be borrowed at a time

To Apply: Bring your current library card and a photo ID to the Library.