Sherlock Holmes is in the news once again with the release of the theatrical trailer for Mr. Holmes. Based on the 2005 novel, A Slight Trick of the Mind, the movie will feature Sir Ian McKellen as a long-retired version of the famous sleuth.

Can’t wait until this summer? How about engaging in some local fan fiction from The Double-Barrelled Tiger Cubs, a Sherlock Holmes society based at the University of Illinois from 1975-1986. They produced a newsletter, Afghanistanzas, full of parodies, pastiches, beautiful cover art, comprehensive Christmas guides and pre-Internet memes - movie stills with added word bubbles.

The Champaign County Historical Archives has the following issues in our Local Organizations Newsletter collection.


Afghanistanzas Vol. 7, No. 3, Issue 53 (December 1983) The Christmas Gift Issue

Vol. 7, No. 3, Issue 53 (December 1983) The Christmas Gift Issue (Editor: John Wyman)
The gifts may no longer be available from listed sellers but there is always eBay.

Afghanistanzas Vol. 7, No. 4, Issue 54 (July 1984) B is for Baker Street

Vol. 7, No. 4, Issue 54 (July 1984) B is for Baker Street  (Editor: John Wyman, assisted by Larry Rice, Cover Art by Julie Maynard)
The society’s name ‘The Double-Barrelled Tiger Cubs’ is inspired by Dr. Watson’s tongue-tied storytelling in The Sign of Four where in an effort to impress Mary Morstan he told her that “a musket looked into my tent at the dead of night, and [I] fired a double-barrelled tiger cub at it.”

Afghanistanzas Vol. 7, No. 5, Issue 55 Including Update to Christmas Gift Issue
Vol. 7, No. 5, Issue 55 Including Update to Christmas Gift Issue (Editor: John Wyman, assisted by Larry Rice, Cover Art by Larry Rice)


- Sherrie B., Archives Librarian