The information that follows is only a general guideline to summarize the opportunities that are offered. Please contact the appropriate person for specific details and availability. Graduate students studying at other universities and in programs other than information and library science are welcome to inquire.

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Recently, Library staff have supported students from the following colleges and universities:

Kentucky    central illinoisischool


Length of time: 1 semester; 100 hours total per iSchool requirements

Hours/week: 10

TUFL Employee: no


TUFL: no

iSchool at Illinois: no

Site supervisor: librarian or department head

Contact: Pat Cain -

Graduate Apprenticeship via iSchool at Illinois

Length of time: 2 consecutive semesters

Hours/week: 15

TUFL Employee: no


TUFL: no

iSchool at Illinois: Semester 1: Practicum with Field Service Fee Tuition Waiver; 
Semester 2: Independent Study with $5,000 fellowship stipend + Field Service Fee & tuition waiver

Site supervisor: librarian or department head

Contact: Pat Cain -


Length of time: TBD

Hours/week: TBD

TUFL Employee: no


TUFL: no

iSchool at Illinois: no

Site supervisor: TUFL staff TBD
