Whether you date the origin of Candlestick Lane from 1960 and the 10 families that gathered together on the 700 block of Fairlawn Drive to display oversized Yule cards or the neighbors on Grant Place who competed in an Illinois Power contest for the best holiday lights in 1964 it is evident that this corner of Urbana is flush with a holiday spirit that spans generations.
While the official lighting ceremony was this past Saturday (December 13), Candlestick Lane will light up every evening from 5-10 p.m. through December 25th. We at the Archives would like to present you with images from Candlestick Lane’s past. We promise that our amble into Christmases past will not be a haunting one.
Some of the original 1964 Candlestick Lane crew. From left are Beverly and Jim Harney, Helen Stoner, Mary Mushrush, and Helen and Charles Halpin.
Candlestick Lane, 1977
Snow covered Candlestick Lane, undated
-Sherrie, Archives Librarian, Champaign County Historical Archives