Drive-In movie theaters hold a special place in American history and hold very fond memories for teenagers growing up in the 1950’s. With the novelty of being able to drive up to a movie, struggling to fit all your friends into the back seat of your car and watch the latest hit out of Hollywood, the Drive-In was pure magic.

Movie Playing at the Drive-In

Champaign and Urbana have been home to several wonderful theaters and by the 1950’s could boast to having two Drive-Ins.

Drive-In Movie Theater

The Twin City Drive-In first opened in 1948 with a huge screen and a lot that could fit nearly 600 cars. Sitting in long rows of cars, next to long rows of corn, movie goers could watch the biggest stars of the day light up the night.

Drive-In Movie Theater

The Family Drive-In opened in 1950 with the modern conveniences of a paved lot and a bigger screen. When the Cinemascope screen was installed a few years later, the theater changed its name to the Widescreen Drive-In.  On this screen audiences would laugh at Jerry Lewis, be romanced by Burt Lancaster and cry with Sidney Poitier.

Sadly, the neighborhood Drive-Ins lost popularity and by the 1980’s both the Twin City and Widescreen theaters closed. Now nothing remains of either theater, except some very fond memories.


Lara, Archives Assistant