It's that time of year again!

For the next two months, October 1-November 30, 2013, Try-It! Illinois offers library staff and users of the more than 5,000 ILLINET member libraries the opportunity to survey and evaluate a wide variety of electronic resources. Thanks to the partnerships between the Illinois State Library and the participating electronic resource vendors, there is no charge for accessing these databases during Try-It! Illinois.

There are several databases that are of particular value for the Illinois genealogist/local historian. Among them are Proquest databases HeritageQuest Online, Newspaper Archive, Digital Sanborn Maps Geo Edition, and Proquest Obituaries. Also, from Gale-Cengage Learning, InfoTrac Newsstand and Genealogy Connect are available. Ebsco is offering Archives Plus and Fold3 History and Genealogy Archives Plus.

Log-in and password information for accessing all databases at can be obtained by stopping by the Urbana Free Library or by calling the Archives at 367-4025.