Scanning station with the flatbed Epson 10000 scanner attached to a computer.
Here in the Archives we are often asked about our scanning capabilities. Below you will find some of our most asked questions and their answers:
What type of scanners do you have in the Archives?
In the Archives we have four different scanning options: (1) microfilm reader/printers, (2) the Sharp copier, (3) the flatbed Epson scanner, and (4) the VuPoint Magic Wand portable handheld scanner.
View of the Epson 10000 scanner, prepared to scan photographs or documents.
Can I scan negatives and/or slides?
Yes! Our flatbed Epson scanner is capable of scanning film negatives, slides, and even glass plate negatives. It can also scan documents and photographs in high resolution.
Sharp copier located in the Archives. This is our go-to copier/scanner for every day use.
Can I scan oversized materials?
We are only capable of scanning about 11” x 17” at a time. However, the computer hooked up to our flatbed scanner includes Adobe Photoshop Elements, which can be used to combine image scans for larger objects. Another possibility for oversized documents is to use our portable handheld scanner to make several passes over a larger document. These will save as separate scans, but this technology especially helps us with oversized court ledgers and maps.
VuPoint Magic Wand portable handheld scanner helps to scan oversized, tighly bound, or fragile documents.
What does scanning at the Archives cost?
If you bring your own USB memory device, scanning in the Archives is free! If you prefer to make a paper copy of your scan, the cost is 15 cents per black and white and 75 cents for color.
A microform reader/scanner and the computer work station to which it is attached.
You can scan and print microform from four work stations in the Archives.
Yes! All of our microfilm readers are connect to computers that have PowerFilm microform scanning software. These scans can be saved to a USB memory device or printed at the cost of 15 cents per page.
Is there a time limit for using the scanner or a limit to the number of scans I can make?
For microfilm reader/printers the time limit per session is the same as any other computer in the Archives: five hours. For the flatbed scanner, since it is one of our popular work stations, the time limit per session is one hour, which can be renewed if no one is waiting to use the scanner. There is no limit to the number of scans you make.
-Donica M.
Archives Librarian