Today America honors the contributions and incredible life of Martin Luther King Jr. On this date we especially pause to remember his passion, bravery and hope for the future. Yet, it is important to note that reminders of his life and teachings surround us every day. From memorials and streets to movies and documentaries, Dr. King’s message of love can easily be recalled. Below are a couple of every day reminders of Martin Luther King’s philosophies

Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in Urbana 

MLK, Urbana Schools, Martin Luther King Jr.

Formerly Hays School, the elementary school was renamed for Dr. King in the 1970’s. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Subdivision 

MLK, Subdivisions, Martin Luther King Jr.

Ground broke on September 15, 1985 for this new subdivision and urban renewal project. Families began moving into the new housing in January of 1986. 


Finally, a quote from Dr. King that we find very special in the Archives: “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” 


Lara, Archives Assistant