Thanksgiving at the Trolls by Josh Wedin

One way to fight back the gloom of dark, brooding, winter weather is through celebration, and in my world view celebration is synonymous with food. Luckily, the Thanksgiving-Christmas-Chanukah-Kwanzaa-Solstice-New Year’s Eve season gives us lots of opportunities to celebrate.

In my family we have tried and true recipes that get trotted out each year, but we always pick one new recipe for each gathering to keep the celebration fresh. If you are in need of some inspiration for a new recipe this year come to the Archives. We have a collection of over 100 cookbooks compiled by local organizations, schools, libraries, churches, and various societies. Perhaps one of the recipes in our collection will become part of your family tradition.

World Heritage of Cooking by Friends of the World Heritage Museum University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana

Found in World Heritage Cooking produced by the Friends of the World Heritage Museum University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 1989


A Variety of Recipes from the Bevier Hall Cafeteria

Found in A Variety of Recipes from the Bevier Hall Cafeteria produced by Home Economics 240, School of Human Resources and Family Studies  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 1976. 


-Sherrie, Archives Librarian