Please join the Champaign County Historical Archives of The Urbana Free Library as we chronicle Champaign County through COVID-19 by curating stories, diaries, art, photographs, poems, reflections, and more from community members.

We welcome submissions from all ages and community members, whether you are a permanent resident, here temporarily for school, or otherwise.  We are interested in recording the experiences of the Champaign County community throughout this unique time in our local history, so please submit as often as you’d like.

Potential submissions for sharing your experiences:

  • Write: Keep a journal, write poetry, pen a script 
  • Create Art: Draw, paint, sketch, sculpt
  • Start a video blog, speak into a recorder, play an original song
  • Take photographs or video of your environment/community/life in quarantine Upload records from your business that document how it responded to the crisis (social media graphics, e-mail or mail correspondence, business announcements, etc.)
  • Save your social media posts

Questions? Contact us at  

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for sharing your experiences. 


  1. The provided questions are optional, so feel free to answer only what you feel comfortable with.
  2. If you have photos, art, videos, audio, or other digital files to share, please use the file submission area within our Google Form.  If your submission is larger than 10 MB, please contact the Champaign County Historical Archives at  
  3. If you are submitting a photo, video, piece of art, or any other digital file, please include a brief description so we understand the context of the submission.
  4. If you are under the age of 18, please have a parent or guardian complete a consent form.  Forms and records submitted by those under the age of 18 that do not include parental/guardian consent will not be archived.  Consent forms will be sent to donors under the age of 18 following their submission and must be signed and returned to the archives.  For more information, please email us at